Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Return of the Mummies

These are very interesting times in India and Indian politics. Didi and Amma both have another term in their respective states. Assam and Kerela have new governments in the form of BJP and LDF respectively and there is no price in guessing what is common between all these election results.

Congress party that has ruled(ruled rather than governed ) the country for more than half a century are now in an embarrassing situation, their situation is similar to that of the Lannister's they have good comrades but their king
Tommen(Rahul baba) do not understand how to govern.

The Tamil Nadu people generally elect an anti-incumbent government. Not this time, was it because of the  2-G corruption label of the DMK or their inability to name a chief ministerial candidate but their association with congress did not help the party to defeat the corruption ridden AIADMK government. In West Bengal Mamata didn’t give anyone a chance so congress can be happy that they performed better than the general election but their performance compared to the last state election is still a disappointment. CPM led left actually won in Kerela where they again defeated the congress and in Assam it’s a historic win for the BJP.

Congress won the lowest seats in the 2014 Lok Sabha ever (just a meagre 44). Didn’t win a seat in the Delhi assembly elections, lost in Maharashtra, only won in Bihar with little or no influence on the government. This is after ruling the country for 10 years. They have their government just in 5 other states and they had a scare in Uttarakhand recently.These are pressing time for the oldest party in India, can they get away from the dynastic politics that is plaguing their party? It is clear that their so called price Rahul Gandhi has not done anything substantial for the party, he is all talk about revamping the party structure and doing something different, he acts like that guy in your project meeting who says that we have to do something cool and out of the box but has no knowledge about the subject.

He is single handedly responsible for collapsing the morale of the party's leaders and workers who have devoted all their life for congress. He is like ANTI-Dhoni, he has the ability to bring the worst with his team and give terrible results. It is high time for the party to do what is right, someone has to be Jamie Lannister for congress and stab this stupid prince(reference to mad king).
Rahul Gandhi has become a national joke and with a great corruption record for UPA government he has done a terrible job at saving the parties grace and countering the opposition. When he is talks sometimes he seems out of place and sometimes ridiculously stupid. The media even doesn’t seem to take him seriously either, which should be a grave concern for the party.

The immense influence of the Gandhi family on the congress party raises certain question, are they so respected in the party that no one believes that the party can be led by any other, does the family draws so much power(influence over judiciary and other government organizations) that everyone is afraid to challenge them or they have so much money so that they can buy their way out of any coup in the party, the first one seems the least likely and with the news of stir in the party it is clear that it is not just because of respect. The other 2 options are really interesting and even with the opposition in power, they command so much influence. This is something to think about and ponder over.

Nowadays congress is not even recognized as a credible opposition, the current government faces more heat from the likes of Kejriwal than the congress party, the party has lost the ability and will to attack the opposition and their structure is failing, it is high time that congress does something.

The party might have it is faults ,it tends to be more populist in policy making rather than pragmatic and transparent, it is corruption ridden and their politics work on maintaining the divide in the country, but still it is the only secular alternative in the country. For this very reason they cannot be decimated . The return of the mummies indicates high time for this old party to think and reinvent itself and participate in constructive dialogue in the democracy and present themselves as credible nemesis and alternative to right government led by the BJP. If this doesn’t happen the right wing will become bolder and bolder in their social professing and start enforcing their thoughts. Which in itself creates a scary picture for the country. Don’t get me wrong I want the right government to be in power and work on their economic policy. A strong opposition will make sure that they concentrate more on economy and development and suppress their extreme wing thought.

Congress party needs an uprising, they need someone to challenge the status quo, they need a Narendra Modi to change the party and modernize its working and start connecting to the people of the country again. It is certain that Rahul Gandhi is not the Azar Ahai that was promised, they need to introspect and save the party, if not for the benefit of the nation but their own benefit.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Pivotal Moments in life

Disclaimer: All character that are appear in this blog are almost fictional and this is a good enough account of the horrors I faced during the conversation mentioned with some exaggerations

If one see the birds eye view of their life, they will notice that the life is defined by some pivotal moments and rest everything is a follow-up to that moments decision or incident. When we are young most of our pivotal decisions are made by our parents and then we live up with the consequences, one perfect example would be the great Rahul Gandhi, I think he  and now the congress party are both suffering from wrong decisions of his parents.

As a kid our life outside home is always decided by the kind of friends we make at school and in our neighborhood. Just imagine if Harry Potter had made a decision to be friends with Draco Malfoy vs Ron Weasley; the story would have been completely different. I am talking about all this bull shit because I had a pivotal moment in my life recently with a very good friend ,so before getting to the point I wanted to give a backdrop of what I am going to say unlike the fate of Jon Snow I want people to know what is going on before they are stabbed(reference to an acquaintance ).

To begin with one of the big pivotal moment of my life was when my parents decided that I am OK at maths and need to pursue engineering, I don’t have many complaints in that regard, I consider my parents to be at least smarter than Tushar Kapoors parents while choosing career for their children (why is he still an actor ?). So I became an engineer, got a job worked for a couple of years with hopes of making big and starting my own company someday, but with no concrete progress in that regard.

I was having a great time with my college friends while working, we had money we had spare time , we had resources and as you can imagine our spending decisions were as bad as that of Vijay Malaya, buying  stuff we don’t need, spending in places which made no sense and so on (though we didn’t have a calendar ).

So coming to the point, some of my friends had girlfriends we used to tease them with prospects of marriage as Indian government does of bringing in the black money and ending corruption, both make the subject uncomfortable but with no likelihood of either becoming true in the in the near future. As Joey from friends will say "it is a Moo point". It's a cows opinion it does not matter."

But one of friends who recently made a girlfriend walks up to me one fine day and says Seth Suit Silvale( get a wedding suit tailored ) and I remember I was stumped with no response to give, two other friends of mine who were with me at that time had the same expression on their faces. We were as confused as NewZeland is against spin bowling we had no clue what the hell to do next.
Our feelings could be described as that of all comedians who one day are told you are not allowed to make Rahul Baba jokes. We had no clue what to do, it's like you are making a joke that Sir Jadeja can take 10 wickets and score a triple century in the same match, and he actually does, then the joke is not funny and the one cracking the joke starts looking stupid. It is a pivotal moment in your life when the jokes you crack can no longer be classified as jokes but they become somehow reality.

You could see from my friends face also that he was shit scared himself but he dodged the inevitable for another year(postpones is engagement). The next pivotal moment was when my parents forced me study further, apparently B tech is not a good enough qualification. So I decided that I want to learn more in the technical domain and would like to study analytics. This has opened more avenues for me and I think my parents again forced me to a good decision (moral of the story, listen to your mom )

Now after the end of my course I received another call from the same friend who  already got engaged during the course of my course. He was also interviewing for a company in the same city that I was also planning to stay. During the first half of the conversation I was pretty excited that my friend was coming to stay with me. But as soon as he recommended that he wants to stay with me, it triggered my panic mode. I just hung up the phone and it just dawned to me that all this is real now and he will be married very soon and things are going to change for all of us. I was as frightened as Suresh Raina is of short balls. I consider this as a pivotal moment in my life and the prospects of him staying in the same place with me scared the shit out of me. Though my friends created very interesting scenarios for me and I really thank them for all their imagination but I am freaked out.

As the great Joker said ' all you need is a push rest the gravity takes care'. My friend is now pushed and he is going to fall. Only Batman can save us now.